Even competent compliance managers and officers need help, Prickly2Sweet helps those in compliance positions to be more effective and efficient when they are reviewing their assessment tools. By saving time, resources, and reducing stress gaps are identified more accurately, confidence can be gained by knowing your compliance % levels and specific reloading of the improvements can be visually seen.
Become a member of our community and every month the most popular compliance topics are sent straight to you with tips and tricks to help you implement sustainable systematic streamlined compliance processes into your RTO.
PLUS, you will get access to great tools, templates, workbooks and PD sessions all tried and tested from our 20 years audit and compliance experience.
Subscribe to our Mailing List TodayWe take you through all the steps on your assessment review journey – Simply register and choose your package that best suits you, choose the industry and unit of competency your assessment is covering. From there Users can choose which benchmark tool/s to upload, label and tag the questions. After that it’s a click of the button and you have your compliance score.
It can even be done on your mobile!
Get Started TodayPrickly2Sweet saves business time and money and more efficient processes Compliance is made easier with the Prickly2Sweet tool EDCV independent assessment validators save RTOs from noncompliance at audit.
If you are struggling to
Then Prickly2Sweet and EDCV are the partners you need.
Assessment is one of the key areas of compliance for a Registered training organisation.
RTO compliance software is now available specifically for the Compliance and Assessment Champions.
It has been documented, way back since 2014, that RTOs were struggling with compliance in assessment over 70%, and as an industry, vocational training and assessment, we are still struggling with this area. ASQA, still identify non-compliance in assessment processes as a high risk and if an RTO is found to be noncompliant there are now infringement notices that start at $2500 for non-compliance with registration standards and the potential for registration to be cancelled or not renewed due to non-compliance.
A solution, is of cause, to remain compliant however there are costs associated with that from employing a compliance responsible person of an average of $80,000 a year salary plus leave entitlements, superannuation etc. Additionally, engaging a consultant to review all the assessment tools for all your units on scope is a huge time and costly expense, starting at $150 an hour plus.
Easy as, basic details needed to get started, all data is secured and will not be used by a third party.
Prickly2Sweet has a large number of industry units of competency for you to access that have been mapped and criteria linked ready for you to use. Pick the industry your assessments belongs to.
Drag and drop or click and upload. Its that easy! Prickly2Sweet can handle word, pdf and excel assessment tools.
Once you are happy with your industry and unit identification and you have loaded in your assessment, just click to analysis and Prickly2Sweet will do the hard work for you.
Prickly2Sweet will provide you with the compliance data and statistical analysis of your assessments compliance levels, it provides you identification of the GAPS in your documents for you to fix and focus on, provide information that you can use to be more compliant.